Stop identifying with any thought or any sensation. Don't try to get rid of them, leave them right where they are. But discover that which is observing them. This is the secret to awakening.
You Be The Cow That Jumped Over The Moon
You Are Emptiness
A Grand Opportunity
Diving Into Self-Enquiry #1
A Moment Of Awakening #2
Awakening means awaken to that which is eternaly awake.
If you know you are dreaming, you are already awakening.
So like this, fears will come, don't back away in these moments, there's just sorts of birth pains to real awakening, sometimes it happens like that. Are you up for it ? Or you want it more conservative ?
You are the stillness, that eternal stillness. Awakening to this is recognizing that you've always been this, and you just thought you were something else.
You are perfectly pure. You have to awaken to the Truth, to see what you are already. Not to develop, become or create. You're finding That, which is even before the created.