You are this I Am-ness, and even prior to I Am-ness there is That which Is. You're never a part from it, because you are That. But somehow this knowledge must announce itself in the mind, to announce itself inside the consciousness itself. Because it is the consciousness in the mind that becomes enlightened, not the Supreme.
Not Destined To Be Enlightened
No Effort To Remain
The Lazy Man's Way To Enlightenment
The Hum of Existence
Internet Seeking
What's Next ?
Perfect Sense
Just feel that 'stuff', allow it to be expressed, it flows within the human expression of consciousness, let it be. Because when it has been given the room to express itself, then the space behind, which is joyful, steady and tranquil will come to the front, only don't name this enlightenment and then feel that you've gained something, instead recognize and pay full attention to the unchanging silence which is the substratum of all that is appearing in the mind.
I don't know how to explain it further than that : you are this I Am-ness, and even prior to I Am-ness there is That which Is. You're never a part from it, because you are That. But somehow this knowledge must announce itself in the mind. That's what has to happen, the knowledge has to announce itself inside the consciousness itself. Because it is the consciousness in the mind that becomes enlightened, not the Supreme.
Just one moment don't touch anything, don't associate with anything, any concept. Sometimes some fear comes "My God ! I can give everything up, but enlightenment...". Hang on to enlightenment rather hanging on to concept of enlightenment. Throw it also, cut the link to that idea. Remain as what remains. What is That ?